Exhibition FAQ

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An experienced exhibition design agency who knows their way around exhibitions in Europe can definitely save you exhibition costs. While there are other cost-effective ways that exhibition stand companies use, here are some of the basic ones:

  1. Ordering Show Services in Advance 

Apart from design and building your modular stands, exhibition stand design companies also offer other exhibition-related services, called show services. These include rigging signage, AVs and booth banners, electricity in portable displays, manpower like hostess and other staff, water for water stations and sanitation, compressed air for storage or displaying purposes etc 

  1. Making the stand build compliment your office or showroom display 

Unlike the event booth design structure that you rent out, you can purchase some of the booth elements like product display stands for exhibition, customised furniture, booth banners, etc. After the exhibition, these elements can be used in the client office or showroom. Thus, increasing its life span from 4 days to at least 3 years. This gives you a threefold advantage of the elements and helps you cut costs. 

  1. Combining a modular structure with a customised design for your portable design stands

When it comes to making an impact on your visitors at an exhibition, your exhibition booth design can play a huge role. However, the custom exhibition stands and their fabrication is costlier than their modular counterparts. An experienced exhibition booth design company can combine modular elements with some customised exhibition elements and structures to give you a unique and effective solution as well as a light on the pockets.

  1. Early Bookings 

When you are hiring an exhibition design company, the earlier you book them, the more discount you can avail. Thus, you cut costs by simply hiring an exhibition stall design company. So, for an exhibition in October, bookings in May will give you a 20% discount, a full payment, no discount in August and double the cost for on-site bookings. 

If you are an exhibitor in Europe, you will probably need an exhibition booth stand rental agency that will build your exhibition booth design for you. So, with several stand building companies, how do you judge which one is best for you? Here are some simple questions you must answer before you make your choice.

1. Check their experience: Nothing beats experience when it comes to building booths in Europe. Experience means they understand the rules, the schedules, the structures and the possibilities when it comes to exhibition systems and how they work. Moreover, it also involves the ability to give prompt service in case of emergencies and last-minute changes

2. Check their design capability: While experience is important, you want your exhibition design agency to make a design stall that stands out from the rest of the exhibitors. Checking their expo show booth design capabilities and how these designs were executed for previous clients should be one of your key considerations when you finalise an agency.

3. Check proximity from the fairground: If you want a big and complex stand structure, it would be beneficial to hire a booth design company that is close to the fairground. It will help in case any last-minute things are required, for example, some extra furniture, or suppose a glass display broke, or you need some additional prints, etc.

4. Check on-site support: Many exhibition setup companies build the booth and hand it over one day before the event. Then you will never see them through the show duration. While this is alright for a small expo stand but for larger exhibits, you might need onsite support. We always recommend selecting an agency that provides this support.
So if a light is not working, or your pantry gets locked or you want a brochure stand last minute, then you don’t have to run pillar to post during the show to get them.

A typical exhibition sees over 2000 exhibitors. Any visitor at the show does not recollect the design of the messestand of even 10% of these exhibitors! So, how can your brand your modular stands more attractive and more inviting? Here are some simple tips:

  1. Invest in good lighting: A well-lit booth display design is much more inviting than a dingy one. Subconsciously, visitors and design stall booth staff feel more motivated and comfortable to spend time in an exhibition booth stand that is bright and well lit. Nowadays LED lights ensure that your 3d exhibition stall design is well-lit, eco-friendly and also less expensive. 
  2. Add live plants: Plants contribute greatly towards adding warmth and welcoming people into the pop up displays for trade show. Place a good flower vase at your information desk and flower beds at your lounges. They subconsciously make people feel welcomed and relaxed.

3.Hire the dream team: Although People might not remember the event booth design or display products, they will remember how the staff at expo show stands behaved. So you should select the best people for your portable displays. So, hire people who are pleasant to interact with, have smiles and are genuinely interested in solving customer queries and fitting your products as solutions to the customers. 

  1. Declutter your design and graphics: People do not like to disturb people and conference display stands that are too busy. They feel uncomfortable. So if your display for trade shows is too busy, or too cluttered, it might keep attendees away. Similarly, if your exhibition graphics are too cluttered it might confuse the visitor, who won’t be able to recollect anything. So make your message clear and simple. 
  2. Have an F&B service on your large expo stands: If you have a large portable exhibition displays and can spare some space, then it would do you good to invest in a hospitality counter. You can have 2 people serving tea and coffee and some cold beverages with some finger food. This goes a long way in people spending time in your fair exhibition stands as well as feeling relaxed enough to have meaningful conversations with your sales team.

When people walk into your exhibition booth stand you always look to generate business from them. However, this is easier said than done. With other exhibitors also offering products that give you tough competition on pricing, apart from your products, you also need to focus on people. Here are a few basic tips to convert prospects into customers at your modular stands.

  1. Greet the attendees: A person with a warm smile and showing genuine interest in knowing a person is memorable. So greet your customers with genuine happiness and interest in them. Put your other thoughts and things aside and focus on the person who has walked into your portable displays.


  2. Be attentive: Many people say, but it’s important, so we say it again. Don’t listen to reply, listen to understand. While someone is talking, listen to them rather than thinking of ways to sell your product. If you just listen properly, then you will be able to sell better.


  3. Provide the required information: Be precise in the information you share, and if you are not knowledgeable about the topic or the right person to convey the message, ensure that you get the correct person to solve their query on the spot.


  4. Good hospitality: Always ask them if they would like some water, tea or coffee, etc (if you have a hospitality counter in your custom modular exhibition stands. This would make them feel more comfortable and sharing a coffee has proven to be a good way of starting a potential business.


  5. Give them giveaways as a reminder and recall value: Invest in quirky giveaways for your expo stand as they are great to reinforce the brand post-show. They also help when you during follow-ups.


  6. Set the next communication and follow update: When a person leaves your portable exhibition displays, make a note of what is the best time to call them or get in touch with a follow-up. Thus a great end to interaction, that has hope of the next one as it shows that you are professional and value their time.


  7. Do not force sell: Unless you sell ice cream you don’t have a solution that is perfect for everyone. So don’t force yourself to sell or the attendee to buy, rather, focus on how your product can genuinely solve the attendees’ problems and queries. If yes, then that’s great. If not, recommend another company who you know will fulfil their needs. This makes the attendees have high regard for you and opens up a prospect of friendship for a future business.

From thousands of messestand on the show floor, if a visitor has entered your booth, wouldn’t it be good to know what your creative exhibition stands’ staff can talk about to retain the visitors’ curiosity and maybe even convert the prospect to a customer?

  1. Highlight the brand’s unique selling proposition:

An exhibition sees many competing brands coming together to get the audience attention. A good way to make them curious about your product is to start by telling him/her things that are unique about your brand and how it stands vis-a-vis competition. Subconsciously, you are validating the person’s choice of selecting your booth amongst many others to walk in and make an enquiry. You are assuring that person of their choice.

  1. Highlight your star product in front of your exhibition booth stand with more visibility:

Product demonstrations are the foundations of the exhibition business in Europe.  The first exhibition fairs had for sellers to demonstrate their wares to potential buyers. Centuries later, the modular exhibition systems are more sophisticated and the product demonstrations are also more refined. However, the concept remains the same. 

If you want to attract people into your amazing exhibition stands to make enquiries have a live product demonstration. You can highlight this product by putting it on a turntable, or having focused lighting on it or even by simply colouring its podium in a bright colour. Do not forget to support it with your best manpower who can encourage people to come and try or experience the product.

  1. Talk about your brand’s quality promise:

Brands invest in making a good exhibition design booth so that they impress their visitors. A shabby booth display design with crinkled exhibition graphics and banner booth makes the attendees associate the display with your product. Thus, coming across as sub-par quality. So if you have invested in creating sophisticated and well-finished portable exhibition displays, then ensure that people in your display for trade shows talk about the quality of your products and services, and how your brand is different from the competition.

  1. Talk about your happy customers:

Since childhood, we all love stories. Why? It’s interesting to peek into others lives and perspectives to understand something from another’s experience. Talking about your happy customers will do just that for your brand. Happy customers = happy brand stories. So next time you are having a conversation in your exhibition booth stand with a prospective client, try to weave in a story about your happy customers. 

4000 companies are dealing in messestand design and build in Germany alone! So, if just one country has such an enormous option, imagine the number of messestandbauer companies is there in Europe! So, the exhibitor has an endless choice when it comes to finalising stand building companies. Here are tips to help you choose from the various options.

1. Define a budget for your exhibit:
From a small 9 sqm 3d exhibition stall design to large pavilions, defining a budget is extremely important. Your budget will decide how much you should spend on the modular stands rental, technology integration, travelling and stay, giveaways, marketing collaterals, etc. To arrive at the correct budget it is important to understand the exhibition within the industry and specifically for your business.

2. Understand your product for the showcase:
If you want to have product demonstrations at the expo fair booth design, select a booth design company that understands the product and creates conference booth designs to display them. The best structures for product displays are ones that don’t get completely hidden with exhibition graphics and hence have no character of their own to add to the convention booth. Based on your product attributes you can select between curved and straight-lined exhibit rental options or even go for custom modular exhibition stands.

3. Understand rigging and location of the exhibition booth stand :
Rigging adds an edge to the design stall, making it look taller and more magnificent. From a branding perspective, it increases visibility and from a production perspective, it is used to suspend lighting fixtures that illuminate your innovative exhibition stands. However, it can only happen in venues with high ceilings that have pre-rig points. Check the rigging possibilities with the show organiser and share the rigging regulations with your stall design company.

4. Understanding the kind of structures available in the market:
Once you know your budget, product and exhibition booth stand layout you can select from the various exhibit rental options available in the market. It could be a custom exhibition stands that is created specifically for you, or modular display stands that you can get from an exhibit rental company, or one of the portable displays available with the show organiser, or simple fabric exhibition stands by your local printer or pop up exhibition displays that you can carry from show to show or even for your promotional activities!

5. Make the choice: Rent or Buy
Exhibit rental options need not always be rented! They can be bought outright from the rental exhibition stand design companies that make them. Obviously, the exhibition design agency will not give you exclusive rights to the conception de stand d exposition, but they will sell the structure to you to use.
So if you have multiple exhibitions you can buy the structure and your stall design company can set it up for you at the events. They might charge you a small warehousing cost, but you will save a lot of cost on the structure if you participate in 8-10 exhibition trade fairs annually.

Although your booth stand design structure is important, your exhibition graphics are more important as they adorn the structure. It’s like jewellery that your exhibition booth stand is wearing that makes your brand noticeable and impressive. This is how you can better your exhibition graphics.  

  1. Make them as big as possible: Use the entire breadth and height of your exhibition space design for your graphical communication. Large format graphic prints are a trend that is here to stay. They are impressive, communicative and attractive.

  2. Big does not mean you need to say too much: Make your communication clear, simple and most importantly, condensed. Do not dwell in detail and put up your entire product catalogue on your banner booth. Instead ask the questions that the customer would have walking into your booth, and see how you can solve their problems or queries. Thus create the graphic around that.

  3. Try to place your exhibition graphics facing the entry of the hall: Your graphic needs to grab attention and this isn’t just a design function. The graphic placement is as important as the design. So carefully decide your booth stand design graphic’s placement, keeping only the on heavy traffic aisles around your stand feria design.

  4. Consider making important graphics backlit: You will agree that backlit graphics are more attractive than front lit ones, be it at expo fair and exhibitions or hoardings or for office branding. So if you enough money, invest in backlit graphics to increase the impact and give the graphic an elegant look.

  5. Use technology for showcasing multiple graphics: Have you observed the rolling graphics at airports, the ones that switch from one graphic to another? You can use this on your exhibition display design as well. Consider investing in LED panels as they have graphic panels that allow you to showcase as many videos as you wish. But remember to have your communication clutter-free and clear.

  6. If you really want to give a message – hang it on top of your portable design stands. Explore rigging exhibition graphics with a simple and important message. Eg. ‘Your search for acne problems ends here’. Just bold communication rigged on top of your modular stands will be perfect for bringing visitors right into your design stall.

Let us discuss in detail what goes inside the exhibition graphics and how to design it effectively for ensuring that it resonates with your audience.

  1. Keep it crisp: Your modular display stands graphics must have too much text or too many images. Make it clean and crisp with bold text and messaging support with the correct imagery. Cluttered graphics are a put-off for everyone.

  2. Font size is important: The graphic must be visible even from an 8 feet distance since people see the exhibition booth stand graphic from the aisles and that is where you should aim your communication.

  3. Use eye-catching images: People love pictures because they cross all language barriers to convey the message and evoke an emotion. So get the perfect pictures that support your communication and brand imagery. You can have a photoshoot have to get the perfect picture or buy rights to stock images. Ideally, you must always have happy and optimistic images.

  4. Hire an expert for your graphics: Graphic designing is an art, so investing in a professional artist rather than having a novice.

  5. Stay true to your brand guideline: Ensure that your graphic designer uses your brand guidelines, corporate colours and correct imagery to represent your brand synergistically. Branding is a long term exercise and consistency in design is key here.

When it comes to custom modular exhibition stands, it’s best to trust the experts, but with caution. You should always ask the correct questions to ensure that the booth design company is on track with the production of your innovative exhibition stands. Here are some important questions for your stall design company.

  1. Ask for structure details: design stall material used, exhibition graphics materials, samples, colour shades.
  2. Graphic sizes and type.
  3. Logo file: Front-lit logo file, 3D logo file, and print logo file.
  4. Display dimensions for a product, if any.
  5. Seating plan and furniture catalogue.
  6. Pantry plan with several changing shelves, lockable storages, hooks, coat hangers, dustbins.
  7. Plan for light fixtures that includes the kind of lights and power consumption.
  8. Built-up schedule and approximate time for handover.
  9. Dismantling schedule.
  10. Onsite in-charge contact details.

Booth designing is an art that is subjective to what people like. However, there are some basic points you should keep in mind while creating the perfect 3d exhibition stall design that is in line with your brand and its requirements. 

  1. Have an open and inviting structure, rather than a booth stand design that makes people feel closed in.


  2. Ensure that you have enough exhibition graphics to effectively communicate the brand message and other information.


  3. Ensure that you have enough space for displaying and highlighting your products in a way that people can walk around them, feel them and if possible experience them.


  4. Invest in good lighting that illuminates your exhibition booth stand. Light is very important for visitor comfort and even manpower productivity at your creative exhibition stands.


  5. Have an attractive reception counter at the aisle of your portable display stands: This will guide people to your conception de stand d exposition and help you manage the footfalls.


  6. If you can invest in a hospitality counter serving tea, coffee and finger foods. Design this exhibition space design beautifully since people will spend most of their time here.
  7. Plan your storage room and pantry in such a way that you don’t have cartons or boxes lying around.


  8. Most importantly, ensure that your design of you expo stands are in line with your brand imagery and brand guidelines.

Technology has permeated into all aspects of our lives and changed it in such a way that we will never look back. The same applies to the impact of technology in exhibition expo fairs. Today to have some amount of tech integration in your exhibition systems is not an exception but an expectation. One of the most common technologies used at exhibitions is the use of LED bricks to display dynamic content. Let us see how this trend can elevate your expo show stands’ experience.

  1. It makes your portable design stands lively: Dynamic content means that something is changing every minute.! This subconsciously attracts the attendees’ attention, making the custom modular exhibition stands look lively

  2. One AV can show a lot of information: When you compare your dynamic LED with your static graphic you know that the AV is a compilation of many graphics that can be animated, thus, more information can be shared. Also if you are showing products on your LED content then you can show them within their environments and even enhance them with effects.
  1. Non-verbal communication: The biggest benefit of LED content on your modular display stands is that it can be imagery-based, thus, breaking language barriers. The same is not the case for exhibition graphics.

  2. Ensures distance visibility: Placing the LED at a good height within your portable display stands ensures that it can be viewed from far away. Thus, attracting more visitors to your booth stand design.

  3. Makes the company look in-with-the-times: Today people expect some amount of technology integration into your amazing exhibition stands. So follow the latest trends in technology to provide a memorable experience to your visitors who will perceive you as tech-savvy and modern.

If there are two impactful things for visitors in modular display stands, we would say it’s the quality of the lighting and the furniture. They are both directly related to the comfort of the visitors in your modular exhibition systems and hence they are rather important. 

If you see furniture across various expo show stands you will notice that many are similar or even the same. Exhibition stand design companies prefer to stock moulded plastic furniture which is easy to stack, carry and store. However, if you want your display for expo shows to have an edge, we would recommend having different furniture. 

  1. Deciding the furniture quantity of your expo fair stands. The required quantity depends on the available space and the number of fixed meetings. For example, if you have 30-40 sqm show booth displays, you must have no more than 3 open discussion areas (centre table with 3 chairs around it) and 2 barstools at the information counter. 

  2. We have also noticed that furniture which is too cosy, like cushioned round chairs, makes the guest want to spend more time at the expo booth, hence, attendees occupy the space for too long keeping other prospects away. So always keep a balance between functional and cosy.

  3. If you have a high volume of visitors, then keep the furniture as simple as possible. In this case, the moulded, stackable furniture is ideal. Also, keep a couple of extra chairs in the pantry just in case you need them you can pull them out for a meeting.

  4. For a large booth display design with meeting rooms and waiting areas outside them, it is ideal to have couches in the waiting area. Nobody likes to sit and wait on furniture that is hard or uncomfortable, thus, putting off attendees before the meeting. So as a rule, waiting areas should have couches and if possible coffee!

  5. Whatever kind of furniture you use – moulded, cushioned, swivel, standard, etc. ensure that you use only good quality furniture. Furniture with rusted legs or torn upholstery or chipped glass gives the impression that you’re not quality conscious and attribute this quality to your products, services and staff.

  6. Lastly, your meeting tables should have enough space for everyone to read and write along with some extra space for putting cups of coffee and a snack. So use medium-sized tables that have adequate space for people to be comfortable and for work to be functional.

Some brands exhibit once a year while others are repeat exhibitors and have a full calendar of international exhibitions in which they will participate. Each show may not have large customized modular exhibition stands, but the overall volume of the attended shows might be large enough to classify the company as a big spender when it comes to a  fair and exhibition.

For such companies who do multiple exhibitions, it is ideal to have modular display stands as they work in all spaces and are travel-friendly. Here the portable display stands remain the same, while the exhibition graphics change as per the client’s requirements.

So, if your brand repeats shows, then you should look to book a similar space size across all your exhibitions so that the same modular stands can be used repeatedly. Thus, helping you save money on exhibition booth design and fabrication costs.
You can even buy the structure from your exhibition design agency and they will provide warehouse and installation services for all the shows. It is observed that if you sign a contract for multiple shows with one agency, you will save 30-40% of your total cost. So next time you make an exhibition calendar and contact an exhibition booth design company, consider asking them for a retainment contract for the whole year.

When you search ‘best exhibition stand design companies in Europeyou get over 50 options in a fraction of a second. So, as an exhibitor, you have endless options to choose a stall design company that can help you exhibiting in Europe. Here are a few points that can guide your choice.

  1. Know your budget: If you have limited budgets for exhibitions, work with mid-level exhibition design agencies that can deliver within your budget and add value to your brand. If you have a large budget, then you can contract with one of the big booth design company that is known for their path-breaking ideas when it comes to exhibition booth stand designing.

  2. Big agency v/s local agency: While most clients go for a tried and tested agency for their 1st exhibition, over time, they switch to local agencies who understand them well. The primary reason being that a big company creates over 300 stand de feria every month, not prioritizing each exhibitor or giving good deals. They play by volume, thus losing the personal touch. So as an exhibitor who needs n-site support, prioritized attention, and a booth design company that is invested in your exhibition booth design, a local mid-sized agency would work best for you.

  3. Study the company’s website: With an increasing number of business deals happening online, websites play a very important role in understanding exhibition stand design companies. Today all the key players in the exhibition industry have an eye-catching and informative website that highlights their brand and its services. Secondary research will help you shortlist the many options of stall design company available in your area.

  4. Meet an expert: Once you have shortlisted a few agencies via online search, you must talk to an expert from the companies to understand their service, ease of communication, methods and delivery. Make your notes about the various exhibition stand companies and then you can make an informed decision that you will not regret.

When you make custom modular exhibition stands in Europe as compared to a simpler exhibition booth stand rental option, you will have to invest a lot of time and money to ensure it looks exactly as you want it to. Here are some checkpoints you can put in place to ensure that you get the best quality execution from your exhibition stand manufacturers.
1. Get involved in the project from the day you give the brief. Not when the production starts. A proper brief ensures that you get the desired diseño de exposiciones which will result in proper booth manufacturing. So get involved from day one.

2. Work as a team with your booth design company. If you work as a team, you will get the desired results as you all work with each other. But if you work like a boss then you will get exactly what you want and not much in terms of inputs or extra efforts from the design company.

3. Give approvals on time. When it comes to custom built exhibition stands, time plays a huge role in ensuring the good finishing of the expo show stands. Don’t delay any approvals as it affects the production.

4. Submit your exhibition graphics on time and in the required resolutions. This is something in which even seasoned exhibitors fall behind. Submitting exhibition graphics on time is crucial for your exhibition fabricator’s production schedule. Hence, the exhibition booth builders will have time to test, correct and print them.

5. Leave the technical stall fabrication details to the stall design company. When it comes to your brand, you are an expert and have the last say.

Similarly, when it comes to your exhibition booth setup, with the production team’s expertise, they should have the last say. So, it’s beneficial to leave the technicalities of the event booth design to them.

6. Refrain from giving last-minute changes or worse, onsite changes as it can upset the entire production schedule and affect your stand feria diseño. If you need approvals from management or other important stakeholders then take them in advance and do not encourage any last-minute changes.

7. Release payments as per a pre-decided schedule. With the money that you give the exhibition stall designer buy materials, labour, machine time and factory time for producing your booth. With delayed payments, the concepteur de stand won’t have enough time to get the best material and people for your stall fabrication. So ensure that you release payments on time so that there are no last-minute stresses.

8. When you are onsite let the installation team work as per the schedule and do not keep questioning them or stressing them unless something is amiss. The onsite team would be preoccupied during the building and would not be able to give you attention during that time due to their tight schedule. Let them work and discuss your queries or concerns with the production supervisor or client representative officer.

9. Do not pressurise the onsite team to work faster. If they are on schedule as promised, do not panic if other booths look like they are ready earlier. The exhibition booth design company will ensure that your booth is delivered promptly and if you push them it can hamper the overall finish of your portable design stands.
A customized conception de stand takes time to fabricate, install and finish. So give your exhibition booth design company space and liberty to build your booth.

If you are a first-time exhibitor then you might be quite clueless about how much a good expobooth display structure can cost. To help exhibitors get a ballpark idea of the exhibition design booth cost we have made an easy and accurate cost calculator. Please visit our home page and click on calculate the cost of your 3d exhibition stall design. 

Or visit the link below and select ‘calculate the cost of my exhibit’:


Here are some very simple points that ensure that you put up innovative exhibition stands.

  1. Choose a reputed and experienced exhibition booth manufacturers for your design stall

  2. Get everything very clear at the 3d rendering stage so that there are no false expectations or expectation mismatches.

  3. Make payments on time and as per schedule mutually agreed by both your stand contractor and you.

  4. See the mock-up pictures of the exhibition booth.

  5. Ask for sample prints if required

  6. Give enough production time to your stall design company.

  7. In the case of a product display give the correct dimensions to your stand.

  8. Make a checklist of all the important things you want at your booth, from small things like dustbins and flowers to the essentials like graphics, lights, furniture, etc.

  9. Ask for show services like electricity, rigging, labour on time from your booth design company.

  10. Check all audiovisual content the day before the show starts.

  11. Order professional booth cleaning on the first day of the show.

  12. Be on time for the 1st day of the show and the handover.

Rigging is the process of suspending signage like booth banners with the help of ropes or chains  over your stand de feria. Rigging is allowed in most exhibition fairs, irrespective of your booth size. As an experienced booth design company, we would highly recommend rigging for your custom built stands.

  1. Rigging is an instant attention grabber for any exhibition booth design because your visitors can locate you from far. It also gives your event booth design a larger and more magnificent look.

  2. Rigging should be done on all 4 sides so that an attendee, no matter on which side of the show floor is present, can see your pop up exhibition displays.

  3. Your rigging should not be very high as it will seem disconnected from the exhibition design booth below. And if it is too low then your booth display design will look compressed or too small, making people will feel uncomfortable as the signage is right over their head.

  4. Your rigged signage’s size should be in proportionate to your booth stand design size. 

  5. Ensure that the colours used for the signage or display are bright and attractive.

  6. Do not have too much text on the rigged signage because it won’t be readable from afar. 

  7. Illuminate the rigging with proper lighting to enhance its look and attract attendees. You can also consider having backlit rigging, as the lighting is built-in. 

Booth lighting is one of the most important parts of an exhibition booth design. Not only does it give the modular stands the required aesthetics, making them attractive, but it also affects the productivity of the messestand staff. Moreover, it also helps the attendees see your modular display stands from far away.

Overall exhibition stand booth Lighting: Your booth stand design as a whole should be well lit so that it can be viewed from a distance as a dimly lit design stall will fade into the background. Remember, light colour surfaces (like laminated flooring) reflect light and make design of the stand bright and prominent. 

Meeting room lighting: Appropriate lighting in meeting rooms make them look welcoming, which shows that you are interested in doing business with the client. So be sure to use only LED lighting. Also, make the meeting room lighting white and not yellow or warm. 

The lighting of product displays: Your product displays need to be well-lit for the attendees to see them. But it is also for attendees to be able to identify what you are selling. You can use LED strip lights, focus spotlights or even larger downlights to ensure that your products are appropriately lit.

Lights for front-lit graphics: For exhibition graphics that aren’t back-lit, you will need arm lights, especially long-arm arm lights. They will ensure that you have an equal throw of light on the entire graphic, making it look uniform.

When exhibition fairs begin you do not want to run helter-skelter for small items that are missing on your exhibition booth stand. Here is a list of essential pantry items that you can arrange for before the show: water (either small bottles or water dispenser with disposable glasses), tissue papers, dustbin with dustbin bags, phone charger, adapter, toffies and biscuits, tea and coffee, paper plates, spoons, cleaning equipment like glass cleaner and dusting cloth, a small toolbox and adhesive glue or tape for quick fixes.

When you look for a professional solution in any sphere of life or business, you always look for an expert. It is the same when it comes to your pop up exhibition displays and setup.

Custom stand building companies bring their experience to the table and that plays a big role in realising a 3d exhibition stall design in reality on the show floor.

While you might be a seasoned exhibitor doing 20 exhibitions annually, your booth design company might be building the same amount of show booth displays in a month. So, they know the rules and regulations very well.

Your custom exhibition construction companies can also assist you in selecting the correct location for your booth. They can help you with this when you buy conference booth design space from the organiser.

Your experienced exhibition stall fabrication agency can also help you with additional services like manpower, catering and florals logistics.

Your custom exhibition stand design agency will help you with all organising formalities like advance warehousing, logistics, manpower, electricity and rigging ordering.

Their know-how can save you up to 30% cost and their advice can also help you avoid penalties for not following rules

A good agency will ensure that they provide you with multiple options within your budget.

They will also provide you with on-site support for last-minute problems.
Your exhibition marketing company can help you decide on the correct giveaways for your convention booth visitors.

Tip: your giveaway reflects how much your company values the attendees. Thus, beware not to give a bad quality gift.

Whether it’s a small 9sqm booth stand design or a large 400sqm exhibit, you invest a lot of money when it comes to exhibitions. So you should get the maximum ROI in terms of money as well as the brand presence and visitor influence.

  1. Start with hiring the correct exhibition design company.

  2. Select one of the exhibition display design rental options as they have or get a custom design developed.

  3. Be honest with the exhibition design agency and give them the information they need well in time.

  4. Make a checklist of all the important points for the exhibition graphics deadline, show services, and production schedule to ensure both you and the agency follow it.

  5. Be there a day before the exhibition starts to check that everything is in place.

  6. Take photos of other modular exhibition systems that you liked at the exhibition and share them with your agency for future reference.

Double-decker expo show stands not only give your more space but are status symbols. However, they do attract lots of issues. So when you decide to make double-decker fair booth designs then you need to be careful and employ a stall design company that has experience and expertise in building such structures.

  1. Organiser Approvals: Many times the show organiser shall demand that the structural drawing of your display for expo shows be approved by an engineer who does static calculations and stability analysis.

  2. Designing and Branding: In terms of designing, always use the upper deck benefit for branding. Thus, the exhibition booth stand is visible from a distance.

  3. Show Booth Management: You should decide which staff will use the upper deck and for what purpose. Only important clients and attendees should be invited in for a meeting. Many companies also place security guards on the ground floor to take care of attendee movement. 

  4. Influence on Base Structure: It is most important to take care of the ventilation on the floor as the structure below the double-deck design stall can become hot and claustrophobic. Also, the upper deck flooring shouldn’t disturb the meetings and interaction below.

  5. Safety and Precautions: Ensure that stairways have hand railings and a safety rail on the upper floor. Also, the lights on the upper floor should not be too close to people in the booth.

  6. Most Important Points: You need to have a clear and visible evacuation plan and fire plan placed on your double-decker modular display stands along with the maximum capacity of the upper deck mentioned in large font.

When most people look for the best exhibition stand design companies they focus on the ones that are geographically close to them. This is so that they can meet them in person and even supervise the production of their amazing exhibition stands. So how can you find the best company that is close to you?

  1. Do a primary google search. Google is your best friend finding companies that are close to you and provide the services that you are looking for.

  2. Always trust Expo Sol for all Europe services.

  3. We have an experienced team of professionals who believe in a “brand first, human first” approach rather than a merely transactional one.

  4. We are truly passionate and keep the moolas as a byproduct that runs the company

  5. We are a global agency that is working with top brands from the USA, Europe and Asia.

  6. Our offices are set up in the USA, Europe and Asia.

  7. We believe in digital engagements and technology integration and we are an expert in this.

  8. To know more about us and our group companies please click on the link below: http://exposol.de/about-us/
Exhibition construction companies

About Us

SOL Gmbh is a large format exhibition stand design and build agency. We are experts in custom built exhibition stands, portable displays for promotions and activations as well as modular display stands for conventions and conferences. From building complex expo stands to customising small display kits, we can serve you anywhere in Europe.

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Cell: +49 152 36967869

Hanauer Landstraße 291B, Frankfurt am Main 60314, Germany.

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