What purpose does participation in an exhibition event serve for companies; and what has booth design and sales got to do with each other?

The purpose of participating in an exhibition event should be not just to promote your brand or showcase your products/services, but should also be to use the power of the booth design to consolidate stand design impact on sales.

Incorporating an innovative booth design is critical to garnering maximum attention of visitors. If that is done, then it will create the passage to drive sales.

Choosing the right partner for streamlining your innovative booth design is the way to go to unearth the best sales outcomes, with your exhibition event participation.


When we talk about stand design impact on sales, it can be said that it indeed possess powerful impact in the sense it influences the viewers’ to take a positive decision that leads to sales.

That however is possible only if you have an innovative booth design that :


The enormous power of multimedia can be estimated from the fact that around 85 percent of the exhibitors include some kind of multimedia in their booth design. Besides, multimedia has the unique ability to draw visitors’ attention within the time span of three to five seconds that visitors have take to see and frame their opinion.

You need an innovative booth design for the visitors to frame a positive opinion.

An innovative booth design does not happen just like that. To make it happen, you need to use captivating animation well-supplemented by large prints, special effects, and VR. When you add lit-walls to them, the more striking your innovative booth design will become. They will create an amazing visual interest and provide the visitors a memorable, multi-sensorial experience.

Your booth design will appear even more innovative to the audience if it has concise text that reveal what your company does; and what kind of offerings it provides that deliver value to the people.

The more customized and compelling experience you provide, the better will be your chances of drawing a strong turnout at your booth.


To drive sales, just having an innovative booth design will not suffice. Instead, make it more innovative by sending an e-invitation and posting in social media channels to your target-audience at least a month before the event, detailing in which exhibition your brand will be taking part in and when it will take place.

Your stand design impact on sales is best highlighted through a video teaser in social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Additionally, company blog can be used to create an event page with an attractive banner graphic that will entice your target-audience to attend the exhibition show in which you will be taking part in.

Aside from interacting with your target-audience through e-invitations and social media channels, you also need to make it clear that your booth will not just have an innovative booth design but will also have interactive games created to compellingly convey your brand message.

This will help to not just engage them with your brand; but will also help to reinforce your brand at every step of the game play; and acquire vital details of all the visitors who play the game.

A good example of interactive game is a simple touch screen jigsaw that incorporates your brand logo. When you supplement it with prizes to the winners, it will instantly draw the audience in droves at the event.

Around 90 percent of customer buying decisions are influenced by reviews of your booth design and sales pitches through stimulating interactions  

At the exhibition event, make sure that your sales and marketing counter, manned by a team of well-trained sales and marketing personnel, is located at the front end of your booth. This will allow a section of the team members to speak to the visitors while the other section works to invite the interested visitors to the booth. The interaction should focus on how your brand’s products/services can benefit them. All of these can help to drive sales.


After engaging prospective customers’ with your sales pitch, ensure that your innovative booth design provides them personalized immersive experiences. This will give your team at the event the opportunity to get to know them. The more you get to know them, the more chances you will get to identify their needs and create the demand for them.

A good example of this is Apple’s first iPhone. When it came out, most people then had access only to a phone or a computer but not all-in-one. When, the first iPhone was pitched at a trade show event to drive home its features to the event attendees. It highlighted the ease and convenience it offered, like making a phone call and browsing the internet on the same device at the same time. Suddenly, people realized that they could engage in multi-tasking comfortably on a single device. In short, it personalized people’s aspirations in one device.

Another good example of personalization is a lounge area in the booth that offers a space for the visitors to take a rest and recharge their phones at the same time; or use the Wi-Fi to look up mails and browse the internet at the same time.

If you’re able to provide Wi-Fi facility at your booth in the event, you can collect visitors’ details by getting them to submit their details for using the Wi-Fi; and store them in a database. Additionally, your staff can also offer them company’s business cards for contact at a later date. These kinds of facilities will give the visitors’ a memorable experience to cherish and recall; while providing the chance to drive sales.

Exhibition construction companies

About Us

SOL Gmbh is a large format exhibition stand design and build agency. We are experts in custom built exhibition stands, portable displays for promotions and activations as well as modular display stands for conventions and conferences. From building complex expo stands to customising small display kits, we can serve you anywhere in Europe.

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