
Ihre Komplettlösung für Informationen zu maßgeschneiderten Messeständen,
modulare Messestände, tragbare Displays und Technik, Lead-Capture
und Designideen für die Weltausstellung.

Plastivision 2025: Showcasing India's plastic industry strengths and capabilities
One of the biggest yearly gatherings for boat lovers is the London boat show, which provides an extensive display of the newest models of boats, water sports equipment and Marine technology. The best part? The event is expected to be much bigger and better in 2025, thousands of people from all round the world are...
IFE 2025 (International Food and Drink Event) London
When we talk about London’s most popular trade shows, International Food and Drink Event or IFE has to be mentioned. If your working or interested to work in the food and drink industry, IFE becomes a must attend event, and that it because it brings together people from all over the world who are interested...
Gamescom 2024 Cologne
Gamescom is a very important trade show in the world of computer and video games. It is all set to make its comeback in Germany in August and is the most interesting event for gamers and people related to the gaming profession. This particular trade show served as a platform to display the newest discoveries...

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Plastivision 2025: Showcasing India's plastic industry strengths and capabilities
IFE 2025 (International Food and Drink Event) London
Gamescom 2024 Cologne


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Die SOL GmbH ist ein Großformat Messestandgestaltung und Bauagentur. Wir sind Experten in Maßgeschneiderte Ausstellungsstände, tragbare Displays für Werbeaktionen und Aktivierungen sowie modulare Ausstellungsstände für Kongresse und Konferenzen. Vom Bau komplexer Messestände bis hin zur individuellen Gestaltung kleiner Ausstellungsbausätze können wir Sie überall in Europa bedienen.

Kontaktiere uns

Mobil: +49 152 36967869

Hanauer Landstraße 291B, Frankfurt am Main 60314, Germany.

SOL GmbH 2023. Alle Rechte vorbehalten

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