
Ihre Komplettlösung für Informationen zu maßgeschneiderten Messeständen,
modulare Messestände, tragbare Displays und Technik, Lead-Capture
und Designideen für die Weltausstellung.

The Gold Standard: What Makes an Exhibition Stand Company World-Class
The Gold Standard: What Makes an Exhibition Stand Company World-Class
Introduction Event marketing is a billion-dollar industry globally, so businesses want to leave the biggest impact possible at these vital industry conferences. The design and build of the stand itself is the often-overlooked foundation that makes any exhibition plan work, even though many people concentrate primarily on the marketing messaging delivered through demos, brochures, and...
Exhibition Stand Fabrication Nightmares: Disasters We've Seen and How to Avoid Them
Exhibition Stand Fabrication Nightmares: Disasters We've Seen and How to Avoid Them
Introduction We’ll shed light on mishaps that have disturbed the sleep of even the most seasoned exhibitors as we set off on this exciting adventure. There is a lesson to be learned in every nightmare, from the heartbreaking structural failures that shake the very roots of your stand to the disheartening design mismatches that go...
A Deep Dive into Key Questions for Exhibition Stand Design Success
Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before Finalizing an Exhibition Stand Design
Introduction Assume that your brand is in the spotlight, the stage is set, and it’s ready to give a great show at the upcoming exhibition. That being said, there is one very important thing you need to learn before the show starts: how to build an exhibition stand that not only looks great but also...

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Design Secrets from the Pros: Tips from an Expert Exhibition Stand Builder
Design Secrets from the Pros: Tips from an Expert Exhibition Stand Builder
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Cutting through the Clutter – How to Guarantee Your Expo Stands Aren't Ignored
Dare to be Different: Revolutionize Your Brand with Bold Expo Booth Design

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Beste Expo-Designideen, um Besucher an Ihren Stand zu locken
Wichtige Textilveranstaltungen der Welt
Biggest Textile Events In The World
10 häufige Fehler von Ausstellern und wie man sie vermeidet
Häufige Fehler von Ausstellern und wie man sie vermeidet


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Über uns

Die SOL GmbH ist ein Großformat Messestandgestaltung und Bauagentur. Wir sind Experten in Maßgeschneiderte Ausstellungsstände, tragbare Displays für Werbeaktionen und Aktivierungen sowie modulare Ausstellungsstände für Kongresse und Konferenzen. Vom Bau komplexer Messestände bis hin zur individuellen Gestaltung kleiner Ausstellungsbausätze können wir Sie überall in Europa bedienen.

Kontaktiere uns

Mobil: +49 152 36967869

Hanauer Landstraße 291B, Frankfurt am Main 60314, Germany.

SOL GmbH 2023. Alle Rechte vorbehalten

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